Tag: KISS/Army of Darkness

Pullbox Previews: KISS / Army of Darkness #3

KISS / Army of Darkness #3 writer: Chad Bowers, Chris Sims artist: Ruairí Coleman FC  |  32 pages  |  $3.99  |   Teen+   You want to talk about rock’n’roll? Let’s talk about Ash Williams trapped in the past fighting an army of deadites alongside none other than KISS! Let’s talk about ridding the world of an eternal evil while kicking […]

KISS / Army of Darkness Crossover… Dynamite Entertainment Take My Money Now!

Rock ‘n Roll Legends Meet Horror Comics Icon in KISS/Army of Darkness from Chad Bowers, Chris Sims, and Ruairi Coleman! Dynamite Entertainment proudly brings together two of its bestselling brands for a horror/music extravaganza in KISS/Army of Darkness #1, the debut issue in a new comic book series uniting the legendary rock ‘n’ roll band […]

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