Tag: King Arthur

Pullbox Reviews: Once & Future #7 – Something legendary this way comes…

Once & Future #7 Boom! Studios Written by Kieron Gillen Illustrated by Dan Mora Colors by Tamra Bonvillain Letters by Ed Dukeshire Cover by Dan Mora Available now! Although Bridgette and Duncan were able to escape the Otherworld, their adventure is only just beginning! As the chaos of Arthur’s return reaches London, an artifact at […]

Pullbox Bookshelf: Camelot 3000

Camelot 3000 Original publication date: 1982-1985 Trade paperback published: 1988 DC Comics & Warner Books Co-created/Written by Mike W. Barr Co-created/Illustrated by Brian Bolland Colors by Tatjana Wood Letters by John Constanza Embellished by Bruce D. Patterson & Terry Austin Continuing the stories begun by Sir Thomas Mallory The prophets claimed that King Arthur and […]

Pullbox Throwback Thursday: Camelot 3000 Carries Arthur & His Knights into the Future

Camelot 3000 DC Comics Co-Creators/Writers/Artists- Mike W. Barr & Brian Bolland Inks- Bruce Patterson & Terry Austin In the year 3000, an armada of destructive aliens has unleashed an all-out assault on Earth and is poised to conquer the planet. But when a young boy stumbles upon the crypt of King Arthur, the legendary monarch […]

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