Tag: Kindle

Pullbox Previews Shadows Over Venice, a dark fantasy following the twists and turns of magic and intrigue

Like storm clouds gathering over the historic city of Venice, a series of magical intrigues grows inside the society and wraps itself around the lives of famous Venetians in five different epochs of the republic’s history. Individuals can be found in every one of these epochs, who oppose the dark forces of this unknown magic […]

Pullbox Indie Spotlight on Life Lessons From a UFO Catcher, & other autobiographical adventures from UFO Comics

Ready Player Two x2! Kenny’s UFO-catching adventures continue. This time around, he has an entourage – his twin sisters, Jinny and Sammy! Besides helping (and occasionally competing with) Kenny to liberate cute plushies trapped in arcade claw machines, Jinny and Sammy also attempt to rescue Kenny from his life of singledom by getting him out […]

Pullbox Previews Chlobot in the City #1- A chaotic left-of-center waltz through a post-apocalyptic world

Chlobot in the City is a humorous take on the post-apocalypse where humanity has all but been wiped out and giant drunken robots rule the world. It’s a mixture of Clerks, Seinfeld, HP Lovecraft and Mad Max. This is the first issue in a new series which introduces readers to this off-kilter world where sometimes […]

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