Tag: Kickstarter

Kickstarter Previews: Like Father, Like Daughter #7

Like Father, Like Daughter #7 Issues 1-6 available through Kickstarter campaign or Etsy Comic Uno YouTube Twitter Facebook Written by Kat Calamia Illustrated by Wayne Brown Colors by Lisa Moore Letters by Brant Fowler Now live on Kickstarter! A father with superpowers, leaves his wife and daughter to become “Invulnerable” – the world’s only superhero. […]

Pullbox Reviews Buzzard #1- Knees & elbows are the gifts that keep on giving…

Buzzard #1 Wolf Cave Comics Created & Written by Andrea Wolf Illustrated by Ezequiel Assis Cover art by Samuele Zardinoni Cover graphics by Rob Jones What’s a lad to do when his skill set involves a heavy use of knees & elbows and very little by way of self-control? One option, he could follow in […]

Pullbox Reviews: Lands of Toons 1-3: Be kind to your cartoon characters… you don’t know how rough they have it

Lands of Toons 1-3 Created & Written by Kevin Chilcoat Illustrated, Colored, & Lettered by Hayley Russell Andrew Morrice Mangus the Monkey & Zookeeper Ted are at the top of the game. They follow their script, take their lumps, and if poor Ted takes more of a beating than Mangus it’s all in the name […]

Kickstarter Previews: The Mycelium Complex, a Heavy Metal magazine style sci fi story

Time is biological!  It twists, loops and branches like fungal hyphae beneath the soil. Time travel requires no advanced technology, just a means to enter and survive in…  ‘The Mycelium Complex’.  A small crew of deperate scientists flee chainsaw-weilding ‘Mower Men’ in a strange and hellish future. What is their connection to the drunken backyard barbeque in […]

Jim Zub Chats with the Pullbox About Skullkickers: Caster Bastards & the Great Grotesque

“I had the idea of putting together some kind of 10th anniversary special back in January and reached out to Edwin, Misty, and Marshall to see if they were interested and available. They were and we had the band back together…I started jamming on what the new story would entail and how we could deliver it, slowly turning the germ of an idea into what we’re now launching on Kickstarter as Skullkickers: Caster Bastards and the Great Grotesque.”

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