Tag: Kelly

Pullbox Previews: The Harbinger #6 – Faith vs The Harbinger!

THE HARBINGER #6Written by COLLIN KELLY, JACKSON LANZINGArt by ROBBI RODRIGUEZColors by RICO RENZILetters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOUCover A by ROBBI RODRIGUEZCover B by MARGUERITE SAUVAGEPre-order Cover by CASEY PARSONS The war for Chicago begins! It’s FAITH vs THE HARBINGER — PSIOT CITY vs THE RENEGADE — BLAM vs… everyone! Can Peter Stanchek save a city when everyone he knows has their knives […]

IDW explores the legend of Kahless!

IDW, the proud home to Star Trek comic books and graphic novels since 2007, will explore strange new worlds beginning in February with Star Trek: Klingons, the first thrilling installment in a series of extra-long one-shots spotlighting the franchise’s many memorable alien species. Writers Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly, two of the lead story architects […]

Spider-Man gets savage!

Superstar writer Joe Kelly just finished taking Peter Parker on the most action-packed, pulse-pounding, adrenaline-pumping adventure in Spider-Man history in NON-STOP SPIDER-MAN! And he’s only just getting started… Spinning out of NON-STOP SPIDER-MAN this February comes SAVAGE SPIDER-MAN! Written by Kelly and featuring the distinctive and dynamic talents of artist Gerardo Sandoval, this all-new limited […]

Pullbox Reviews: Snarl (Alterna) – A Stand Alone Horror Story (CSI meets The Howling)

Snarl (digital edition available at ComiXology, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble) Co-Created & Written: Kelly Bender (Twitter: @KellyBender17) Co-Created & Drawings: Nathan Kelly (twitter: @nkellynk28) Colors: Josh Jensen (Twitter: @joshj81f1) Letters: Micah Myers (Twitter: @micahmyers) Something sinister is killing people in a Washington State park. Is it an animal? Is it supernatural? All the evidence […]

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