Tag: Kamen Rider

Pullbox Previews Titan Comics’ Highlights in December

Please see below for Titan Comics December comics and graphic novel highlights, covering releases throughout December. Titan’s December Highlights… AFRO SAMURAI VOL. 1 Writer/Artist: Takashi OkazakiPublisher: Titan Manga176 pages, SC, $19.99 US, £14.99 UK, ISBN: 9781787739000On sale: December 13, 2022 (US) In a feudal, futuristic Japan, samurai battle to become No.1 and rule the world, but when […]

Pullbox Previews Kamen Rider Zero-One #1- The insectile Tokusatsu superhero comes to Titan Comics

Written by fan-favorite writer Brandon Easton (Transformers, Superman, Mister Miracle), with art by Hendry Prasetya (Power Rangers, Aquaman) and Bryan Valenza (X-Terminators), Kamen Rider Zero-One Issue #1 features a brand-new villain, RAGNAROK, created exclusively for this comic series! Issue #1 features stunning covers by Inhyuk Lee, Derrick Chew, plus a glow-in-the-dark variant!  Aruto Hiden is […]

Pullbox Previews Kamen Rider- All the Tokusatsu action you could want, coming this November from Titan Comics

KAMEN RIDER: ZERO-ONE #1 (of 4) Writer: Brandon Easton Artist: Hendry Prasetya Colorist: Bryan Valenza Letterer: Andworld Design – Jaime Martinez Publisher: Titan Comics FC, 32pp, $3.99, On Sale November 23, 2022 Aruto Hiden is KAMEN RIDER ZERO-ONE! Along with his trusty humagear companion Izu, he’s saved the world numerous times as the insectile superhero! […]

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