Tag: Jon Westhoff

Pullbox Previews CPS (Child Possession Services): Possessed and Confused- Cheeky supernatural fun, now live on Kickstarter

Child Possession Services: Possessed and Confused. Recap: The world has seen a rise in spiritual possessions over the last few decades. In response, the American government has outlawed any possession of minors and created state and federal programs to combat this threat to our safety. C.P.S. (Child Possession Services) is one such program. Constance Dhar […]

Pullbox Previews Drumsticks of Doom, the collected, definitive edition, worthy of the Four Metal Kings

When Black Sabbath (not the Beatles) became the world’s most famous band, the universe was changed, musically and otherwise. Lost arts, like Alchemy, were made common, schools taught about transfiguration and alternate science, Demons were summoned and some stuck around. Lana LOVES music. She has played in bands all through high school and now, in […]

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