Tag: Johnson

Pullbox Previews Kong: Gods of Skull Island #1

Kong: Gods of Skull Island #1 Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson Artist: Chad Lewis Cover Artists: Main Cover: Jeremy Wilson Incentive Cover: Tyler Jenkins Price: $3.99 Synopsis: In this stand-alone Kong story, the year is 1912, and a wealthy humanitarian has travelled to Skull Island with the purpose of civilizing the native Tagatu […]

Geek-Girl Volume 1 Strikes!

Geek-Girl gets collected and the Nerd-becomes-cool-Superhero trope gets flipped on its head! Created and written by Sam Johnson (The Almighties, Cabra Cini) and illustrated by Carlos Granda (Grimm Fairy Tales, Charmed), in Geek-Girl vol.1: Lightning Strikes! (collecting the first 4-issue Geek-Girl Mini-Series) we meet attractive, popular Maine college coed Ruby Kaye. Ruby is a girl […]

Pullbox Previews: Geek Girl #2 Here Comes Alt Girl!

Having duped the resident college brainiac into giving her his powers-inducing glasses, and found herself in a position where, in the absense of Maine’s resident super-heroine, she’s promised to stop badass new super-villain Lightning Storm – Ruby Kaye has now inadvertently hospitalised her city’s other resident super-hero (and only potential aide) while trying and failing […]

Pullbox Reviews: Thy Neighbor #1- High Octane Indie Action!

Thy Neighbor #1 Independently published through Ka-Blam.com Created & Illustrated by Camron Johnson Written by Jordan Wilson Colors by Tanner Van Dever “The American Dream has become a dystopian nightmare. Criminal organizations have seized control and actively undermine the established democracy. Corruption has bred a new form of capitalism, putting power in the hands of […]

Pullbox Reviews: The Almighties R-Rated #0 – Not Your Apple Pie Superheroes…

The Almighties #0 Also available on ComiXology here Actuality Press Written by Sam Johnson & Mike Gagnon Artists- Pablo Zambrano, Eleonora Kortsarz, Ron Gravelle, Fran Jung, & Graham Pearce Colors- Jennifer Scott, Lisa Lamb, Giuseppe Pica, Miguel Marques, & Nimesh Morarji Ms. F – a former downtrodden housewife with anger issues, Mason – a mercenary […]

Pullbox Reviews: The Almighties – A Jejune Look at Superhero Teams

The Almighties Writing – Sam Johnson/ Mike Gagnon Art – Eleonora Kortsarz, Pablo Zambrano, DC White, and others Actuality Press The Almighties is a superhero team of atypical superheroes, loosely gathered together by the wealthy “White Out” to fight crime. The actual leader is a man named Stefano who runs a restaurant and has connections […]

Pullbox Reviews: Last Sons of America #1 “Grimly Hopeful – An Excellent Read”

Last Sons of America #1 (of 4) Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson Art: Matthew Dow Smith Colors: Doug Garbark Letters: Jim Campbell Boom! Studios Available NOW When a biological terrorist attack makes it impossible for anyone in America to conceive children, adoption of kids from other countries explodes. Brothers Jackie and Julian are adoption agents based […]

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