Tag: Jared Leto

Pullbox Reviews: Blade Runner 2049

Blade Runner 2049 Director: Denis Villeneuve Writers: Michael Green and Hampton Fancher Starring: Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Ana de Armas, Jared Leto, Robin Wright, and Dave Bautista. Whenever thinking about some of the top directors working today and in the past, names like Nolan, Scorsese, Spielberg, and others come to mind. Having previously watched films […]

The Suicide Squad!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the cast of the Suicide Squad film: WILL SMITH AS DEADSHOT! TOM HARDY AS RICK FLAG! MARGOT ROBBIE AS HARLEY QUINN! JAI COURTNEY AS CAPTAIN BOOMERANG! CARA DELEVINGNE AS ENCHANTRESS! JARED LETO AS THE JOKER! Come August 5th 2016, we just may see the most gritty movie in the new cannon of […]

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