Tag: Interview

The Pullbox Interviews: Niall Presnall- Stop thinking about it and do it

The Space Heists of Vyvy & Qwerty Created & Written by Niall Presnall Art by Carlos Trigo Colors by Osmarco Valladao Letters by Renee Arabia Like on Twitter & Facebook! @vyvyandqwerty www.fb.com/vyvyandqwerty She’s the daughter of smugglers, abandoned and orphaned. He’s the runaway creation of a cyborg scientist. Together, they’re the most brash and hyperactive […]

Pullbox Reviews Quake: Champions #1- An armored Marine, a flesh eating Lizard, and the bonus level… an Interview!

Quake Champions #1 Titan Comics Written by Ram V Art by Alan Quah Colors by Komikai Studio & Sean Lee Letters by Rob Steen Available now! Two decades ago, a lone Marine stepped through the Slipgate and into a world of nightmares. Trapped in these realms ever since, time and delirium have eroded his resolve […]

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