Tag: Indro

Pullbox Previews – Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #7 Fear the Sound of Angels’ Wings!

DOCTOR WHO: THE TENTH DOCTOR #7 STORY BY: ​Robbie Morrison ART BY: ​Daniel Indro COLORS BY: ​Slamet Mujiono COVER A BY: ​Verity Glass PUBLISHER: ​Titan Comics PAGE COUNT: ​32 COVER PRICE​: ​$3.99 RELEASE DATE: ​Wednesday, February 04, 2015 IN THE TRENCHES OF WORLD WAR ONE, SOLDIERS FEAR THE SOUND OF ANGELS’ WINGS… Trapped in a field hospital in No […]

Pullbox Previews – Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #6 – The Weeping Angels Return!

DOCTOR WHO: THE TENTH DOCTOR #6 STORY BY: Robbie Morrison ART BY: Daniel Indro COLORS BY: Slamet Mujiono COVER A BY: Tommy Lee Edwards PUBLISHER: Titan Comics PAGECOUNT: 32 COVER PRICE: $3.99 RELEASE DATE: Wednesday January 7, 2015 STONE HANDS STALK THROUGH THE CRATERS OF THE SOMME… When Gabby and the Doctor arrive by accident in No Man’s Land in July, 1916, they’re met by Corporal Jamie […]

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