Tag: Horizon Zero Dawn

Pullbox Previews: Horizon Zero Dawn: Liberation

Writer: Anne Toole Artist: Elmer Damaso Softcover, 112pp, $17.99, £14.99 On sale March 2022 ISBN: 9781787734104  A brand new graphic novel expanding upon the story of the epic video game Horizon Zero Dawn, and its highly anticipated sequel, Horizon Forbidden West. Horizon: a far-future Earth full of epic natural beauty and forgotten ruins, where awe-inspiring, animal-like machines […]

Pullbox Previews Titan Titles coming in July!!!

BLADE RUNNER ORIGINS #5THE BESTSELLING SERIES REVEALING THE BIRTH OF THE BLADE RUNNER DIVISION RETURNS! Acclaimed Original Creative team of K. PERKINS (Supergirl) and MELLOW BROWN (American Gods) and artist Fernando Dagnino are back! LAPD detective CAL MOREAUX has teamed up with an escaped experimental REPLICANT, who has been uploaded with the memories of a […]

Pullbox Reviews: Horizon Zero Dawn #1

HORIZON ZERO DAWN #1Writer: Anne TooleArtist: Ann MaulinaFC, 32pp, $3.99, On Sale: August 5, 2020 Cover Artists: Stanely ‘Artgerm’ Lau (Cover A), Game Art Wraparound(Cover B), Loish (Cover C), Ann Maulina (Cover D), Peach Momoko (Cover E), Blue Line Sketch Variant (Cover F). HORIZON ZERO DAWN #1Writer: Anne TooleArtist: Ann MaulinaFC, 32pp, $3.99, On Sale: August 5, 2020 Cover Artists: Stanely […]

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