Tag: Hanna Barbera

Pullbox Reviews Space Ghost #1- The Cosmic Vigilante flies again, compliments of Dynamite Comics & David Pepose!

Greed and corruption flourish in the darkness between stars. With the territories of the Galactic Federation spread far and wide across the vastness of space, pirates and hijackers ransack the distant colonies with cruel disregard for the innocent scientists living within them. Yet there is a cosmic vigilante who metes out justice throughout the galaxy, […]

Pullbox Reviews: Future Quest #1- All the Saturday morning heroes you can shake a stick at

Future Quest #1 DC Comics Written by Jeff Parker Art by Evan “Doc” Shaner, Steve “The Dude” Rude Colors by Jordie Bellaire When the adventurous and inquisitive Jonny Quest and his adoptive brother Hadji make a startling discovery in the swamplands of Florida, they are pulled into an epic struggle between the Space Rangers and […]

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