Tag: Hadiwidjaja

Of course the honeymoon goes sideways… Unholy #2 – out today!

Vampirella/Dracula: Unholy #2 writer: Christopher Priest artist: Donny Hadiwidjaja covers: Shannon Maer (A), Rose Besch (B), Lucio Parrillo (C), Artgerm (D), KyuYong Eom (E), Lucio Parrillo (F-RI/Tint) KyuYong Eom (G-RI/BW), Rose Besch (H-RI/BW), KyuYong Eom (I-RI/Virgin) FC | 32 pages | Horror, Action/Adventure | $3.99 | Teen+ Kidnapped by dark forces while on their honeymoon, […]

Pullbox Previews: Barbarella TPB Vol. 2 Hard Labor

Barbarella: Hard Labor Vol.2 TPB Writer: Mike Carey Artists: Kenan Yarar, Donny Hadiwidjajac FC  |  128 pages  |  $17.99  |   Mature  COLLECTING ISSUES 5-8 Barbarella’s never ending quest to repair her ship’s regulator and be on her way takes a detour to Falladim, where there’s a rush on for R.U.S.T.-Radically Unstable Space-Time! The rarest and most […]

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