Tag: Guimaraes

Pullbox Previews: Archer & Armstrong Forever #2

ARCHER & ARMSTRONG FOREVER #2Written by STEVE FOXEArt by MARCIO FIORITOColors by ALEX GUIMARAESLetters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOUCover A by BERNARD CHANGCover B by CHRIS WILDGOOSEPre-order Cover by RO STEIN/TED BRANDT The triumphant return of Valiant’s best besties! With Armstrong more mortal than ever, it’s up to Archer to find the secrets of immortality. One of history’s myths has to be true…right? Their […]

Archer & Armstrong are Forever! (aren’t they?)

ARCHER & ARMSTRONG FOREVER #1Written by STEVE FOXEArt by MARCIO FIORITOColors by ALEX GUIMARAESLetters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOUCover A by BERNARD CHANGCover B by DAVID TALASKICover C by DAN HIPPPre-order Cover by RO STEIN/TED BRANDT The triumphant return of Valiant’s best besties! When Armstrong seemingly loses his immortality, Archer refuses to let his best buddy go gentle into that good night. But when you […]

The Return of Archer & Armstrong!

ARCHER & ARMSTRONG FOREVER #1 marks the eagerly anticipated return of Valiant Entertainment’s fan-favorite and adventurous duo. When the carefree, hard-drinking, and immortal Aram Anni-Padda, a.k.a. Armstrong, seemingly loses his ability to heal from any wound and believes his days as an immortal are finally coming to an end, his young and optimistic best friend Obadiah Archer will travel the world […]

Dune: House Atreides – A must have for any fan!

BOOM! Studios revealed a first look at DUNE: HOUSE ATREIDES #7, adapted & scripted by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, who co-wrote the eponymous prequel novel based on Frank Herbert’s notes and illustrated by artist Dev Pramanik (Paradiso), colorist Alex Guimarães (Bone Parish) and letterer Ed Dukeshire (Once & Future), in partnership with Herbert Properties […]

Pullbox Previews: Bone Parish Vol. 1 SC

Bone Parish Vol. 1 SCPublisher: BOOM! StudiosWriter: Cullen BunnArtist: Jonas ScharfColorist: Alex GuimaráesLetterer: Ed DukeshireCover Artist: Lee GarbettPrice: $14.99Synopsis: A new drug is sweeping through the streets of New Orleans—one made from the ashes of the dead. Wars are being fought over who will control the supply, while the demand only rises. While the crime […]

Pullbox Reviews: Bill & Ted Save The Universe SC TPB

Bill & Ted Save The Universe SC (BOOM! – Joines / Bachan / Guimaraes / Campbell)The Wyld Stallyns are back, and this time they’re travelling across the whole universe! Bill and Ted have been kidnapped by a bodacious alien and are handed over to…their long-lost family?! Brian Joines and Bachan (Bill & Ted Go to Hell) team up once more for an all-new Bill […]

Pullbox Reviews: Planet of the Apes / Green Lantern #4 (of 6)- Damn Dirty Lanterns!

Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern #4 (of 6) Boom! Studios & DC Comics Story by Robbie Thompson Written by Justin Jordan Art by Barnaby Bagenda Colors by Alex Guimaraes Letters by Ed Dukeshire Design by Scott Newman Available now! The origin of the Universal Ring revealed! Battle of the Red and Green Lanterns on the […]

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