Tag: Green Hornet

Pullbox Previews: new comics from Dynamite Entertainment, this NCBD 01-13/2021

Coming out this week from Dynamite Entertainment! Green Hornet (Vol. 3) #5Rating: Teen +Cover A: Lee WeeksUPC: 725130292810 05011Cover B: Anthony MarquesUPC: 725130292810 05021Writer: Scott LobdellArt: Anthony MarquesGenre: Action/AdventurePage Count: 32 PagesMad scientist. – CheckThe US Army. – CheckDeadliest assassin in the world. – CheckInterdimensional being. – CheckSuper powered being from space who has been stuck in a stasis pod and driven […]

Pullbox Reviews: Green Hornet – Reign of the Demon #1 (of 4) A Study in Cause & Effect

The Green Hornet: Reign of the Demon #1 (of 4) Dynamite Entertainment Written by David Liss Illustrated by Kewber Baal Colors by Adriano Augusto If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery for most people, it could be the deadliest for The Green Hornet and Kato. With their vigilantism tearing apart organized crime, Chicago is […]

Pullbox Reviews The Lone Ranger/Green Hornet #1 (of 6)- Two generations from the Thrilling Days of Yesteryear!

The Lone Ranger/Green Hornet #1 (of 6) Dynamite Entertainment Written by Michael Uslan Art by Giovanni Timpano Colors by Pete Pantazis Letters by Troy Peteri Covers by John Cassaday & June Chung A tale of super-heroics and family that has taken eighty years to be told! This first chapter, entitled “Those Thrilling Days of Yesteryear,” […]

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