Tag: gore

Pullbox Previews High On Life #1- A story of “Guts, Gore, Redemption… and Lost Love”, based on the video game from Squanch Games

The debut comic based on the hit game from Squanch Games! The bounty hunter has become the hunted! Though they restored peace to the cosmos by killing Garmantuous, there’s no rest for the Bounty Hunter when a brutal new threat to Humans shoots its way onto the scene. Armed with plucky & determined Harper – […]

Pullbox Reviews The Devil That Wears My Face #6- Bringing a blessed sword to a Satanic gunfight

The Curia is broken, as Legion’s corruption floods the streets of Rome. While the Vatican burns, Father Vieri must make his final stand against the demon that wears his face. Yet with his greatest weapon proven powerless against the Devil, can Vieri and Maria find another way to reclaim his body? Or will the horrifying […]

Pullbox Previews: The Last Wardens #1- Opening chapter for a new grindhouse inspired horror from The Cave

Where the scare sets in, a story unfolds. In this thrilling genre-masher, dream team Elliott Sperl and Amit Tishler unfold a dioramic horror twisted into supernatural crime drama America, 1975. Where the scare sets in, a story unfolds. With an alcoholic father and a hole in her wallet, Danielle Pryer’s life in the rustic town […]

Pullbox Previews The Denim Devil #4- The Violence & Viscera-Filled Saga Continues…

A while back, we reviewed the insane & over-the-top splatterfest that is The Denim Devil #1. Here’s a press release for 4th installment, still going strong & just as gory… Violent Visions and Viscera Abound in “The Denim Devil #4” A rain of gore kicks off The Denim Devil #4, the blood-soaked penultimate chapter of the […]

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