Tag: Giorello

Pullbox Previews: X-O Manowar #23 The “Hero” Story arc begins!

Valiant is proud to present your first look at X-O MANOWAR (2017) #23 – the start of a brand-new story arc and new jumping-on point, “HERO,” for Eisner-nominated writer Matt Kindt’s sci-fi magnum opus – one that will mark the long-awaited return of superstar artist Tomás Giorello, who illustrated Kindt’s first arc on the series, “SOLDIER,” when it launched last year! On January 23rd, discover […]

Pullbox Reviews: Harbinger Wars II #1- A Crisis brings Civil War to the Valiant Universe!

Harbinger Wars II #1 Valiant Entertainment Written by Matt Kindt Art by Tomas Giorello Colors by Diego Rodriguez Letters by Dave Sharpe From New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (X-O MANOWAR. DIVINITY, Mind MGMT) and superstar artist Tomás Giorello (X-O MANOWAR), the most powerful Valiant event ever attempted erupts in full force as X-O […]

Cover Blitz: Harbinger Wars 2 #3

All hands on deck! Valiant is proud to reveal your first look at the covers for HARBINGER WARS 2 #3 (of 4), the third chapter in the SEISMIC SIX-PART EVENT that will push Valiant’s most powerful heroes past their breaking points and beyond! On July 25th, New York Times best-seller Matt Kindt (DIVINITY, Mind MGMT) and breathtaking artist Tomás Giorello (NINJA-K) – the creative team […]

Pullbox Previews: Harbinger Wars 2 #1

Valiant is proud to present your first look within the pages of HARBINGER WARS 2 #1 (of 4), the FIRST ISSUE of the summer’s most anticipated comics crossover event! On May 30th, New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (DIVINITY, Mind MGMT) and breathtaking artist Tomás Giorello(NINJA-K) – the best-selling team behind X-O MANOWAR – push the Valiant Universe to its breaking point and […]

Pullbox Previews: Ninja-K #6 “The Coalition”

Valiant is proud to present your first lettered look inside NINJA-K #6 – the FIRST ISSUE of “THE COALITION,” AN ALL-NEW ARC and SENSES-SHATTERING JUMPING-ON POINT from renowned writer Christos Gage (Netflix’s Daredevil) and eye-popping artist Juan José Ryp (BRITANNIA)! On April 11th, the Valiant Universe faces its most indestructible threat yet – and master super-spy Colin King must rise to meet the challenge with a brand new strike […]

Cover Blitz: Ninjak #0

Valiant is proud to announce NINJAK #0 – an all-new jumping-on point for the Valiant Universe’s most dangerous intelligence operative, and a massive 40-page milestone, arriving in comic shops everywhere this September! FIRST: New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (X-O MANOWAR, Mind MGMT) brings his masterful, record-setting run to a close as he puts Ninjak’s past and present in […]

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