Tag: Gillen

Judgment Day Marches Closer!

A conflict is brewing between some of the Marvel Universe’s major players and in the end, all will be JUDGED. This summer, the Avengers, the Eternals, and the X-Men find themselves at war in A.X.E.: JUDGMENT DAY, a new crossover event by writer Kieron Gillen and artist Valerio Schiti, and fans should look no further […]

Pullbox Reviews: Once & Future #7 – Something legendary this way comes…

Once & Future #7 Boom! Studios Written by Kieron Gillen Illustrated by Dan Mora Colors by Tamra Bonvillain Letters by Ed Dukeshire Cover by Dan Mora Available now! Although Bridgette and Duncan were able to escape the Otherworld, their adventure is only just beginning! As the chaos of Arthur’s return reaches London, an artifact at […]

Gillen, Rossignol, Stokely and Bonavillain combine forces to bring readers face to face with The Ludocrats!

PR from Image Comics – Bestselling writer Kieron Gillen (Die, The Wicked + The Divine) will team up with writer Jim Rossignol (Sir, You Are Being Hunted) and artist Jeff Stokely (The Spire) with colorist Tamra Bonvillain (Once & Future) for Ludocrats. This five-issue, gonzo-weird fantasy miniseries will launch from Image Comics on April Fools’ Day. […]

Pullbox Reviews: Once & Future #3 – Greg Gives Zombie Arthur 13/13!

Once & Future #3 Writer: Kieron GillenArtist: Dan MoraColorist: Tamra BonvillainLetterer: Ed DukeshireEditor: Matt GagnonPublisher: BOOM! Studios Gran and Duncan are in a race against time to get back to the Otherworld. The sword in the stone awaits, and he who pulls the sword from the stone becomes King. Once & Future #3 starts with […]

Pullbox Reviews: Once and Future #1 – Magic Scabbards, Questing Beasts, & Other Nonsense…

Once and Future #1 Boom! Studios Written by Kieron Gillen Illustrated by Dan Mora Colors by Tamra Bonvillain Letters by Ed Dukeshire Available now! When a group of Nationalists use an ancient artifact to bring a villain from Arthurian myth back from the dead to gain power, ex-monster hunter Bridgette McGuire escapes her retirement home […]

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