Tag: European

Pullbox Reviews Under: Scourge of the Sewer #1- ‘B’ Movie Greatness (Bruce Campbell should have a part)

Under: Scourge of the Sewer #1 Titan Comics/Statix Press Originally published by Editions Du Lombard Written by Christophe Bec Art by Stefano Raffaele Colors by Christian Favrelle Translation by Mark McKenzie-Ray Available now! Classic B-movie horror! Some people bury their secrets underground. In megalopolis, the filth flows into the sewers. Lt. Wilson Jericho, disgraced above […]

Pullbox Reviews – Hercules: Wrath of the Heavens #1

Hercules: Wrath of the Heavens #1 Titan Comics Written by Jean-David Morvan Art by Looky & Olivier Thill Edited by Trenton Braddock Translated by Virginie Selavy Ancient Greece meets Gears of War in this stunningly illustrated science fiction retelling of the Legend of Hercules by multi-award winning writer, Jean-David Morvan (Wolverine: Saudade)! As war rages […]

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