Tag: Eisma

Pullbox Previews: The Archies #3 – The Archies meet CHVRCHES

THE ARCHIES #3 NEW ONGOING SERIES! FEATURING INTERNATIONALLY BESTSELLING ARTIST CHVRCHES! As The Archies face a rocky start to their first-ever tour, they find unexpected drama among the members! Can Betty and Archie reconcile their artistic differences? Can real-life indie pop trio CHVRCHES provide the guidance they need to weather the storm? Script: Alex Segura […]

The Faithless Attack in April!

This spring, the Valiant Universe’s brightest light will finally meet her match – the ultimate super-villain revenge squad!  The villains are coming! Faith’s most ruthless rogues – superhero actor-turned-real-life villain Chris Chriswell, high-tech burglar-for-hire Murder Mouse, the incubus-inhabited feline Dark Star, and undercover alien saboteur Sydney Pierce – have finally united, creating an unstoppable coalition […]

Pullbox Previews: Archie #15 Veronica vs. Cheryl Blossom

ARCHIE #15 For a while after Veronica’s departure, no woman was around who could wreck the Jughead/Archie bromance.  We all knew that couldn’t last forever, right?  Meanwhile, the Veronica vs. Cheryl Blossom feud reaches its peak! Script: Mark Waid with Lori Matsumoto Art: Joe Eisma, Andre Szymanowicz, Jack Morelli Cover: Joe Eisma Variant Covers: Rafael Albuquerque, […]

Pullbox Reviews: Big Trouble in Little China #13 – The New Adventures of Jack Burton and the Greyhound Express

Big Trouble in Little China #13 (BOOM! Studios) The new creative team of writer Fred Van Lente (Archer & Armstrong), artist Joe Eisma (Morning Glories), and Mondo cover artist Jay Shaw (Evil Empire) brings Jack Burton into 2015! Jack is a man out of time. His friends and the world around him have changed. He’s […]

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