Tag: Egg Embry

Pullbox Previews In Our Dreams Awake #2 – Are we dreamers or part of the dream? Follow on Kickstarter to find out

In Our Dreams Awake #2: A Cyberpunk/Fantasy Adventure Jason Byron can’t wake up! The painter paints a crashed alien spaceship. The cyberpunker fights a gang war and talks with cats. HELP! (Just a note, I loved the first issue of In Our Dreams Awake. If you want to see a full review of that issue […]

Kickstarter Spotlight on In Our Dreams Awake, the first in a series of head twisting cyberpunk/fantasy

“Our truest life is when we are In Our Dreams Awake.” Henry David Thoreau In Our Dreams Awake #1 (previously reviewed by thePullbox, here) comes from co-creators John McGuire (The Gilded Age, The Crossing) and Egg Embry (Powered by the Dreamr, Knights of the Dinner Table). The first issue of this four-issue mini-series features two […]

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