Tag: Dixon

Pullbox Reviews: Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein: Storm Surge #2

Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein: Storm Surge #2 Dynamite Entertainment Writer: Chuck Dixon (adapting from Dean Koontz) Art: Andres Ponce Colors: Mohan Lettering: Bill Tortouni Cover Art: Andres Ponce Cover Colors: Mohan I’ll be the first to admit it: I never read most of Dean Koontz’s work. The only examples I have looked into have been some […]

Pullbox Reviews: Birds of Prey Vol 1 TPB… Nothing Short of Fantastic!

Birds of Prey Vol. 1  Writing:  Chuck Dixon, Jordan Gorfinkel Art:   Gary Frank, Stefano Raffaele, Matt Haley, Wade Von Grawbadger, Dick Giordano, Greg Land,various On Sale: Nov 4th In BLACK CANARY/ORACLE: BIRDS OF PREY #1, BIRDS OF PREY: REVOLUTION #1, BIRDS OF PREY: MANHUNT #1-4, BIRDS OF PREY: WOLVES #1, BIRDS OF PREY: BATGIRL #1 […]

Pullbox Previews: Alien Legion – Uncivil War Collected!

ALIEN LEGION: UNCIVIL WAR (COL) Writer: Chuck Dixon Artist: Larry Stroman Colorist: Tom Mason Creator: Carl Potts Format: HC, FC, 6.625 X 10.25 Pagecount: 104pp ISBN: 9781782760733 Price: $19.99/$22.95 CAN/£14.99 UK Release date: Wednesday February 11, 2015 THE CLASSIC SERIES RETURNS, BLASTING ITS WAY INTO AN ALL-NEW BATTLE-SCARED, LASER-RAVAGED ADVENTURE!!! In a galaxy savaged by strife, […]

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