Tag: David Pepose

Pullbox Reviews The Devil That Wears My Face #6- Bringing a blessed sword to a Satanic gunfight

The Curia is broken, as Legion’s corruption floods the streets of Rome. While the Vatican burns, Father Vieri must make his final stand against the demon that wears his face. Yet with his greatest weapon proven powerless against the Devil, can Vieri and Maria find another way to reclaim his body? Or will the horrifying […]

Pullbox Reviews Space Ghost #1- The Cosmic Vigilante flies again, compliments of Dynamite Comics & David Pepose!

Greed and corruption flourish in the darkness between stars. With the territories of the Galactic Federation spread far and wide across the vastness of space, pirates and hijackers ransack the distant colonies with cruel disregard for the innocent scientists living within them. Yet there is a cosmic vigilante who metes out justice throughout the galaxy, […]

Pullbox Reviews The Devil That Wears My Face #2- A comic that makes simple possession seem almost cute

The year is 1740, and the Vatican is in turmoil. Grappling with a profound crisis of faith, outcast exorcist Father Franco Vieri is dispatched on a mission of grave importance – to rescue a Spanish nobleman from the clutches of the sadistic demon known as Legion. But when the exorcism goes tragically wrong, Vieri finds […]

Pullbox Reviews The Devil That Wears My Face #1- “Send more priests…”

The year is 1740, and the Vatican is in turmoil. Grappling with a profound crisis of faith, outcast exorcist Father Franco Vieri is dispatched on a mission of grave importance — to rescue a Spanish nobleman from the clutches of the sadistic demon known as Legion. Ringo Award-winning writer David Pepose (Moon Knight: City of […]

Pullbox Previews The Devil That Wears My Face, Supernatural Horror coming this October from Mad Cave Studios

The year is 1740, and the Vatican is in turmoil. Grappling with a profound crisis of faith, outcast exorcist Father Franco Vieri is dispatched on a mission of grave importance — to rescue a Spanish nobleman from the clutches of the sadistic demon known as Legion. But when the exorcism goes tragically wrong, Vieri finds […]

Pullbox Reviews: Savage Avengers #1 – A new indie creator treads the sands of Marvel beneath his sandaled foot…

Savage Avengers #1 Marvel Comics Written by David Pepose Illustrated by Carlos Magno Colors by Espen Grundetjern Letters by Travis Lanham Available 5/18/2022 Conan the Cimmerian was mystically transported from his native Hyborian Age to the modern day. During his travels, he has battled many enemies, made allies, and sought out adventures, riches… and a […]

Announced: David Pepose to write Savage Avengers for Marvel Comics!

Armed with a new creative team and a bold lineup, the most dangerous group of Avengers returns more savage than ever this May!  Ringo Award-winning writer David Pepose (SPENCER & LOCKE, SCOUT’S HONOR) will make his Marvel Comics debut alongside superstar artist Carlos Magno (KANG THE CONQUEROR, ROBOCOP: DEAD OR ALIVE) in a new SAVAGE AVENGERS run. The series will introduce an all-new, […]

Pullbox Reviews: Scout’s Honor #4 – Faith shaken is resolve affirmed…

Scout’s Honor #4 Aftershock Written by David Pepose Art by Luca Casalanguida Colors by Matt Milla Letters by Carlos M. Mangual Cover by Andy Clarke & Jose Villarrubia When last we left our intrepid survivalist & newly appointed Ranger Scout, Kit, the jig was well & truly up. Not only caught digging into the heavily […]

Pullbox Reviews The O.Z. #1- Follow the Yellow Brick Road & Beware “Darwin’s Revenge”

The O.Z. #1 Written by David Pepose Art by Ruben Rojas Colors by Whitney Cogar Letters by DC Hopkins Dubbed by thePullbox’s own Andy P. “the Trope Slayer”, David Pepose has once again set his sights on a beloved classic, and gutted it like a fish. Since his debut title Spencer & Locke, followed up […]

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