Tag: Dark Circle

Pullbox Reviews: The Hangman #1- Ask not for whom the rope hangs…

The Hangman #1 (available on ComiXology, from Dark Circle Comics) Writer: Frank Tieri Artist: Felix Ruiz They say the Hangman is nothing more than an urban legend. A spook story told to scare criminals straight. But those who encounter him—like hitman “Mad Dog” Mike Minetta—know different. They know that when he comes for you… you’re […]

Pullbox Previews: The Black Hood #5 – Bullet’s Kiss Concludes!

THE BLACK HOOD #5 CONCLUDING THE FIRST, NOIR ARC OF THE FLAGSHIP DARK CIRCLE COMICS SERIES! “Bullet’s Kiss, Part 5”The Black Hood finally corners the mysterious “Connection” on the abandoned seventh floor of City Hall. No cops, no witness—just the two of them, ready to throw down. But when the Connection finally reveals his identity, […]

Pullbox Previews: The Fox “Fox Hunt” #1

Emmy Award winning writer/artist Dean Haspiel (Billy Dogma, HBO’s Bored to Death) is once again united with Eisner award-winning writer Mark Waid (Daredevil, Thrillbent) for FOX HUNT: Part One “The Situation”: When a billionaire philanthropist prepares Paul Patton Jr’s home town for demolition, our hero is sent on assignment to photograph the event. But what strange force lurks in […]

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