Tag: Dan Mora

Pullbox Reviews: Once & Future #3 – Greg Gives Zombie Arthur 13/13!

Once & Future #3 Writer: Kieron GillenArtist: Dan MoraColorist: Tamra BonvillainLetterer: Ed DukeshireEditor: Matt GagnonPublisher: BOOM! Studios Gran and Duncan are in a race against time to get back to the Otherworld. The sword in the stone awaits, and he who pulls the sword from the stone becomes King. Once & Future #3 starts with […]

Pullbox Reviews: Once and Future #1 – Magic Scabbards, Questing Beasts, & Other Nonsense…

Once and Future #1 Boom! Studios Written by Kieron Gillen Illustrated by Dan Mora Colors by Tamra Bonvillain Letters by Ed Dukeshire Available now! When a group of Nationalists use an ancient artifact to bring a villain from Arthurian myth back from the dead to gain power, ex-monster hunter Bridgette McGuire escapes her retirement home […]

Pullbox Preview: Klaus and the Crying Snowman- The Holiday Tradition Comics Readers Deserve…

Klaus & the Crying Snowman Boom! Studios Written by Grant Morrison Art by Dan Mora Lettered by Ed Dukeshire Available now! Santa Claus is a myth. He’s a legend. He’s loved worldwide by children and adults alike . . . but does anyone truly know his origin and greatest adventures? Launching in 2015, Klaus has […]

Pullbox Reviews: Klaus & the Crisis In Xmasville – A flare gun, a broadsword, and the Anti-Santa…

Klaus & the Crisis in Xmasville (one shot) Boom! Studios Written by Grant Morrison Illustrated by Dan Mora Lettered by Ed Dukeshire Available 12-06-17 Eisner Award-winning creator Grant Morrison (All-Star Superman) and Russ Manning Award winner Dan Mora (Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers) reunite for a brand-new Klaus Special! An evil Santa from an alternate […]

Pullbox Previews: Klaus and the Crisis in Xmasville #1

KLAUS AND THE CRISIS IN XMASVILLE #1 November 29, 2017 Klaus and the Crisis in Xmasville #1 Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Dan Mora Cover Artists: Main Cover: Dan Mora Variant Cover: John Cassaday Unlocked Retailer Variant: Frank Quitely Letterer: Ed Dukeshire Price: $3.99 Synopsis: Eisner Award-winning creator Grant Morrison (All-Star Superman) and […]

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