Tag: Costa

Pullbox Previews – Saban’s Power Rangers: The Psycho Path

BOOM! Studios, under license by Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ: HAS), revealed a first look at SABAN’S POWER RANGERS: THE PSYCHO PATH, an original graphic novel starring fan favorite Power Rangers in Space characters, Karone, Andros, and the iconic Psycho Rangers, from writer Paul Allor (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Clue),  fan-favorite artist of Saban’s Power Rangers: Soul of the […]

Pullbox Reviews: Firefly #1 – You can’t stop the signal…

Firefly #1 Boom! Studios Written by Greg Pak Illustrated by Dan McDaid Colored by Marcelo Costa Lettered by Jim Campbell Firefly created by Joss Whedon BOOM! Studios, along with visionary writer and director Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Avengers), presents an all-new era of the pop culture phenomenon Firefly, as one of the […]

Avengers: Millennium

Earth’s Mightiest Heroes converge to face a new threat thousands of years in the making in AVENGERS: MILLENNIUM, the brand new Marvel Infinite Comic series hitting digital devices this February! Fan favorite writer Mike Costa (Scarlet Spiders, A+X) along with artists Carmine Di Giandomenico (All-New X-Factor) and Geoffo & Mast (Deadpool: The Gauntlet, Iron Man: […]

Marvel Sees Red Across The Spider-Verse With SCARLET SPIDERS #1!

Announced this year at San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel is excited to announce a brand new limited series spinning out of the events of Spider-Verse, SCARLET SPIDERS, written by Mike Costa (Superior Spider-Man Team-Up Special, A+X) and artist Paco Diaz (Superior Spider-Man). This November, Kaine, the Ultimate Universe’s Jessica Drew, and an alternate universe Ben Reilly undertake a […]

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