Tag: Cornell

Pullbox Previews: Vampirella #1

Vampirella #1 writer: Paul Cornell artist: Jimmy Broxton covers: Philip Tan (a), J. Scott Campbell (b), Joseph Michael Linsner (c), Dangrrr Doll Cosplay Cover (d) subscription cover: Jimmy Broxton incentive covers: Jimmy Broxton (B/W art), Philip Tan (B/W art),  Cosplay (“virgin art”), Joseph Michael Linsner (“virgin art”),  J. Scott Campbell (“virgin art”) Fans & retailers, […]

Pullbox Reviews: Doctor Who – The Four Doctors HC

DOCTOR WHO: FOUR DOCTORS HC WRITER: PAUL CORNELL ARTIST: NEIL EDWARDS COVER: NEIL EDWARDS PUBLISHER: TITAN COMICS RELEASE DATE: JANUARY 13, 2016 THE UNIVERSE-SHATTERING CROSSOVER… …THE LAWS OF TIME SAID SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN! Don’t miss this unforgettable first meeting between the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors, with guest cameos from past incarnations, and an astonishing […]

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