Tag: Clark Bint

Pullbox Previews Killtopia: The Complete Collection, set to take over Neo Tokyo this September

“The epitome of mecha, cyberpunk storytelling” – bound in a collectible hardcover edition for the very first time! A high-speed, high-stakes, cyberpunk adventure through Neo Tokyo – a neon-soaked metropolis governed by ruthless corporations and savage bloodsports. Ten years ago, an unexplained explosion rocked the city’s Sector-K district leaving it home a horde of rampaging, […]

Pullbox Previews Rebel Moon: House of the Blood Axe #1- When war looms, Rebels rise

COMIC BOOK PREQUEL TO THE HIGHLY-ANTICIPATED NETFLIX MOVIE, REBEL MOON! STORY BY ACCLAIMED DIRECTOR ZACK SNYDER (300, MAN OF STEEL, AND ARMY OF THE DEAD) AND WRITTEN BY AWARD-WINNING COMICS WRITER MAGS VISAGGIO. As war is looming on the horizon on the planet Shasu, the reluctant ruler of the Bloodaxe family is conflicted between living […]

Pullbox Previews Rebel Moon: House of the Bloodaxe #1- Watch the movie on Netflix, then read the prequel in January, 2024!

COMIC BOOK PREQUEL TO THE HIGHLY-ANTICIPATED NETFLIX MOVIE,REBEL MOON ! STORY BY ACCLAIMED DIRECTOR ZACK SNYDER (300, MAN OF STEEL, AND ARMY OF THE DEAD) AND WRITTEN BY AWARD-WINNING COMICS WRITER MAGS VISAGGIO. As war is looming on the horizon on the planet Shasu, the reluctant ruler of the Bloodaxe family is conflicted between living […]

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