Tag: Braithwaite

Pullbox Previews: Incursion #4 – Let the final battle begin!

INCURSION #4 (of 4)Story by ANDY DIGGLE and ALEX PAKNADELScript by ALEX PAKNADEL Art by DOUG BRAITHWAITEColors by DIEGO RODRIGUEZLetters by MARSHALL DILLONCover A by DOUG BRAITHWAITECover B by RENATO GUEDESB/W Cover by DOUG BRAITHWAITEOn sale May 22nd, 2019$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | Full Color   It’s time for the boss battle: Eternal Warrior vs. Imperatrix Virago! Young Tama’s life hangs in the balance during […]

Pullbox Previews: Incursion #2

INCURSION #2 (of 4)Story by ALEX PAKNADEL & ANDY DIGGLEScript by ALEX PAKNADELArt by DOUG BRAITHWAITEColors by DIEGO RODRIGUEZLetters by MARSHALL DILLONCover A by DOUG BRAITHWAITECover B by RYAN BODENHEIMB/W Cover C by DOUG BRAITHWAITEPre-order Variant Cover by TONCI ZINJICOn sale March 20, 2019  There is only one world left to conquer… Entire planets have suffered and died at the cold, close-fisted hands of the alien […]

Pullbox Previews: Incursion #2

INCURSION #2Written by ALEX PAKNADELStory by ANDY DIGGLE & ALEX PAKNADELArt by DOUG BRAITHWAITEColors by DIEGO RODRIGUEZLetters by MARSHALL DILLONCover A by DOUG BRAITHWAITECover B by RYAN BODENHEIMB/W Cover C by DOUG BRAITHWAITEPre-order Edition Cover by TONCI ZONJIC There is only one world left to conquer… Entire planets have suffered and died at the cold, close-fisted hands of the alien Imperatrix Virago—and now her gruesome sights are set on […]

Pullbox Previews: Incursion #1

INCURSION #1 (of 4)Written by ANDY DIGGLE & ALEX PAKNADELArt by DOUG BRAITHWAITECover A by DOUG BRAITHWAITECover B by ROBERTO DE LA TORREB/W Cover C by DOUG BRAITHWAITEBlank Cover Also AvailableOn sale February 20, 2019 Limited event series! A new villain approaches! Beyond the margins of human reason lies a realm known as the Deadside, where the souls of the dearly departed linger – and […]

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