Tag: Bisley

Pullbox Previews: 13 Coins #6

13 COINS #6 STORY BY:Martin Brennan, Michael B Jackson ART BY: Simon Bisley  COLORS BY: Ryan Brown COVER BY: Simon Bisley PUBLISHER: Titan Comics PAGECOUNT: 32 COVER PRICE: $3.99 RELEASE DATE: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 IN ARMAGEDDON’S SHADOW   From Eisner Award-winning artist Simon Bisley – legendary artist of Batman/Judge Dredd: Judgment on Gotham and Lobo – comes a new series that […]

Pullbox Previews: 13 Coins #2 – Angels with Bloody Faces!

13 COINS #2 STORY BY: Martin Brennan, Michael B. Jackson ART BY: Simon Bisley COLORS BY: Ryan Brown COVER BY: Simon Bisley, Ryan Brown PUBLISHER: Titan Comics PAGECOUNT: 32 PRICE: $3.99 RELEASE DATE: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 ANGELS WITH BLOODY FACES! From Eisner Award-winning artist Simon Bisley – legendary artist of Batman/Judge Dredd: Judgement on Gotham and Lobo – comes a new series that finds Heaven and Hell at war […]

Pullbox Previews: 13 Coins #1

13 COINS #1 STORY BY: Martin Brennan, Michael B. Jackson ART BY: Simon Bisley COLOURS BY: Ryan Brown COVER BY: Simon Bisley PUBLISHER: Titan Comics PAGECOUNT: 32 COVER PRICE: $3.99 RELEASE DATE: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 SYNOPSIS: John Pozner always knew he was special; that his athletic abilities and fighting skills were far from human. But with a broken childhood, drug addictions, and […]

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