Tag: Big Trouble in Little China

BOOM! announces Big Trouble in Little China Illustrated Novel

Big Trouble in Little China Illustrated Novel: Big Trouble in Merrie Olde England Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writer: Matthew J. Elliott Artist: Jonas Scharf Cover Artist: Robert Sammelin Format: Hardcover, 5.75” x 7.875”, 240 pages, black and white Price: $19.99 On sale: December 2017 Synopsis:  In this second Big Trouble in Little China illustrated prose novel, Jack Burton, Wang Chi, and […]

Pullbox Reviews Big Trouble in Little China/Escape from New York #1- What else do I need to say?

Big Trouble in Little China/Escape From New York #1 Boom! Studios Written by Greg Pak Art by Daniel Bayliss Colors by Triona Farrell Letters by Simon Bowland Available Now! It’s the mother of all crossovers as Jack Burton and Snake Plissken meet for the first time ever anywhere! Done with director John Carpenter’s complete blessing, […]

Pullbox Reviews: Big Trouble in Little China #13 – The New Adventures of Jack Burton and the Greyhound Express

Big Trouble in Little China #13 (BOOM! Studios) The new creative team of writer Fred Van Lente (Archer & Armstrong), artist Joe Eisma (Morning Glories), and Mondo cover artist Jay Shaw (Evil Empire) brings Jack Burton into 2015! Jack is a man out of time. His friends and the world around him have changed. He’s […]

The Pork Chop Express Rides Again!

“You know what ol’ Jack Burton always says at a time like this?” This June, BOOM! Studios will tell you just what ol’ Jack Burton says in his continuing adventures in BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA, a new, ongoing series from comics favorites Eric Powell (The Goon) and Brian Churilla (The Sixth Gun: Sons of the Gun). The cult-classic […]

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