Tag: Biblical

Pullbox Previews Let My People Ball: Prologue- “The grandeur of The Prince of Egypt meets the ridiculous humor of Veggietales”

The Biballical Chronicles: Let My People Ball portrays the legendary story of Moses in the book of Exodus with the zaniness of a Saturday morning cartoon. The three-issue series will fly through the entire narrative arc from the Israelites’ enslavement to their grand escape into the wilderness. The vision for this series is the grandeur […]

Pullbox Reviews: Morningstar – Before the Fall…

Morningstar volume 1: Welcome to Heaven Created, Written, & Illustrated by Gerimi Burleigh Before he was the Devil, he was… Morningstar In the beginning, Father created Heaven. It wasn’t a bad place, but it was empty. So He figured, why not keep things moving along. He created life, but like most things, the first attempt at isn’t always […]

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