The triumphant return of Gatchaman, the iconic Japanese animated franchise of a five-member, bird-themed superhero team! The triumphant return of Gatchaman, the iconic Japanese animated franchise of a five-member, bird-themed superhero team! A mechanical terror has descended upon numerous cities and the world’s greatest scientists are disappearing. Our only hope: Science Ninja Team Gatchaman! As […]
Tag: Battle of the Planets
Pullbox Previews Jun: Apex Heart- Another winning Gatchaman one-shot from the Cave of Madness (Happy tenth anniversary, folks!)
An elite squad of motorcycle-riding death bikers have successfully hijacked an armored train transporting experimental International Science Organization tech. These thieves are fast and ruthless–they carry out their orders with razor-sharp efficiency. The only thing in their way is Jun the Swan and her G-3 hover-cycle mecha. The action-packed second tale in a series of […]