Zack Snyder delivers on his promise to show people his Batman and Batmobile after teasing a pic yesterday. This comes from Snyder’s Twitter account @ZachSnyder. The new look features shorter ears than in previous cinematic looks, and while Snyder is quick to point out he shot the picture in “Monochrom” in his tweet, it does […]
Tag: Batman
C2E2: DC All Access
Hey Y’All! Here is he bullet points of the DC All Access Panel from C2E2. Who was there: Charles Souls, Greg Pak, Nicola Scott, Kyle Higgins, Dan Jurgens, Brian Azzerello, and Scott Snyder. And here we go! – Batman 75: The Wednesday of SDCC, comic shops across the world will have swag for this day. […]
Superman/Batman Casting Report – WTH???
First, this has nothing to do with Jeremy Irons. We love him and love that casting decision. Second , I think Jesse Eisenberg is a fine actor. I can’t think of a single movie I’ve seen him in that I thought he did a bad job. But Lex Luthor!?!?!?!? I really can’t even fathom that. […]