Tag: Barbarella

Pullbox Previews: Barbarella #7 – Trapped in a Zoo?!?!

Barbarella (Vol. 2) #7 writer: Sarah Hoyt  artist: Madibek Musabekov covers: Carla Cohen (A), Derrick Chew (B), Butch Guice (C), Celina (D), Rachel Hollon Cosplay (E), Butch Guice (RI-F/BW), Mike Krome (RI-G), Carla Cohen (RI-H/BW), Derrick Chew (RI-I/BW) FC | 32 pages | SciFi/ Adventure | $3.99 | Teen+  In hot pursuit of The Lady, Barbarella trashes yet another ship with nothing to show for it. Actually, […]

Award-Winning Writer Mark Waid Named Publisher of Humanoids

(February 18, 2020) Humanoids, the Los Angeles-based publisher of some of the world’s most iconic and groundbreaking science fiction and fantasy graphic novels, has named Eisner award-winning writer Mark Waid as Publisher. In his new role, Waid will lead the content strategy for Humanoids’ LA-based office. In addition to taking the reins as day-to-day creative […]

Pullbox Previews: Barbarella TPB Vol. 2 Hard Labor

Barbarella: Hard Labor Vol.2 TPB Writer: Mike Carey Artists: Kenan Yarar, Donny Hadiwidjajac FC  |  128 pages  |  $17.99  |   Mature  COLLECTING ISSUES 5-8 Barbarella’s never ending quest to repair her ship’s regulator and be on her way takes a detour to Falladim, where there’s a rush on for R.U.S.T.-Radically Unstable Space-Time! The rarest and most […]

Pullbox Previews: Barbarella / Dejah Thoris #1

Barbarella / Dejah Thoris #1 (Dynamite – Williams / Garcia) FC  |  32 pages  |  Sci-Fi/Fantasy |  $3.99  |   Teen+ From opposite ends of time, two heroines unite for an otherworldly adventure!  Barbarella, the siren of space, meets Dejah Thoris, Princess of Barsoom, and together they must solve a murder mystery that spans time and space in order to find […]

Pullbox Previews: Barbarella Holiday Special

Barbarella Holiday Special writer: Jean-Marc Lofficier artist: José Louis Ruiz Pérez cover: José Louis Ruiz Pérez FC  |  48 pages  |  $5.99  |   Mature Comics legend Jean-Marc Lofficier (Mobius, Doctor Strange) steps aboard the Barbarella Cosmic Express to tell an intergalactic tale of Christmas and…murder?! Hélas, c’est vrai! Someone’s been given the ultimate gift, and jolly […]

Pullbox Previews: Barbarella #12

Barbarella #12 writer: Mike Carey |  artist: Kenan Yarar, Jorge Fornés FC  |  32 pages  |  $3.99  |   Teen+   “A Place Called Overkill” The event horizon of a black hole is a bad spot to have your ship break down — especially if the breakdown isn’t an accident. But who wants Barbarella dead? And why have they chosen to bury her so very, very deep?

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