Tag: backerkit

Pullbox Previews Cthulhu is Hard to Spell, now live (& funded) on Backerkit

Female Led Publishing Company Takes Over Cthulhu Anthology for Backerkit Fundraiser New York, New York (Feb. 16th) USA Bestselling author, Russell Nohelty, first launched the comic book anthology, Cthulhu is Hard to Spell, in 2018 with the franchise raising over $100K on Kickstarter alone. The hook: the series showcases diverse voices exploring the popular gods and […]

Pullbox Previews Smut Peddler Presents: Monster Girlfriend- A fantasy anthology for the grown ups

Iron Circus Crowdfunds a Smut Peddler Double Header: The Brand-New SMUT PEDDLER PRESENTS: MY MONSTER GIRLFRIEND and The Deluxe Reprint SMUT PEDDLER X: TEN YEARS OF IMPECCABLE PORNOGLIFICS (November 7, 2022) Edited by women, made for everyone, erotica anthology Smut Peddler was first crowdfunded by independent publisher Iron Circus back in 2012 and again in […]

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