Tag: Baal

Pullbox Previews: Vengeance of Vampirella #25 – The End of an Era!

Vengeance of Vampirella #25 writer: Tom Sniegoski artist: Kewber Baal covers: Lucio Parrillo (A), Ben Oliver (B), Stephen Segovia (C), Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant (D), Stephen Segovia (RI-E/Virgin), Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant (RI-F/Virgin), Ben Oliver (RI-G/BW), Ben Oliver (RI-H/Tint) FC | 32 pages | Horror | $3.99 | Teen+ The end of Vengeance has arrived! […]

Pullbox Reviews: Jeepers Creepers Vol.1 Trail of the Beast.

Review by Lily the Intern #LilytheIntern Jeepers Creepers Vol 1 – (Dynamite / Andreyko / Baal) – Grad student Devin Toulson is writing his dream thesis on Myths in American History, but when his research takes him on a journey reaching back centuries, Devin finds something horrifying. Something that crosses cultures, locations, and eras. Something […]

Pullbox Reviews: Green Hornet – Reign of the Demon #1 (of 4) A Study in Cause & Effect

The Green Hornet: Reign of the Demon #1 (of 4) Dynamite Entertainment Written by David Liss Illustrated by Kewber Baal Colors by Adriano Augusto If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery for most people, it could be the deadliest for The Green Hornet and Kato. With their vigilantism tearing apart organized crime, Chicago is […]

Pullbox Previews: Kiss #1

Kiss #1 writer: Amy Chu artist: Kewber Baal covers: Goni Montes (a-d), Francesco Francavilla (e), Kewber Baal (f), Shouri “Demon Emoji Variant” (g), Photo (h), Fernando Ruiz “Coloring Book Variant” (i) incentive cover: Kewber Baal (B/W art),Shouri (Demon Emoji Virgin), Francesco Francavilla (Virgin art), Goni Montes (signed by Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley!),  Fans & […]

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