Tag: Asmus

Pullbox Previews: Quantum and Woody Must Die #3

QUANTUM AND WOODY MUST DIE! #3 (of 4)  Written by JAMES ASMUS Art by STEVE LIEBER Cover A by MIKE HAWTHORNE (JAN151667) Variant by KANO (JAN151668) We fought a zoo! The deadly conspiracy at Quantum and Woody’s throats tightens its lethal grip! Everyone that surrounds the brothers Henderson is dead-set on ending them…just when everything was coming up Quantum […]

Pullbox Previews: Quantum and Woody #12

QUANTUM AND WOODY #12Written by JAMES ASMUSArt by WILFREDO TORRES, JOSEPH COOPER, and ERICA HENDERSONCover by TOM FOWLER (MAY141666)Beaten! Bloodied! Bamboozled!Quantum and Woody took the battle straight to the enemy – the mad-science cabal called Edison’s Radical Acquisitions and their mysterious, monstrous new leader – and the enemy kicked their ass! When these rogue biologists […]

Pullbox Previews: Quantum and Woody #11

QUANTUM AND WOODY #11Written by JAMES ASMUSArt by WILFREDO TORRES and ERICA HENDERSONCover A by KANO (APR141432)Cover B by WILFREDO TORRES (APR141433)Q+W=DEAD MEAT!The mad super-scientists of Edison’s Radical Acquisitions are BACK! Well…the ones who aren’t dead, anyway. (Or the ones who were dead and…uh, came back?) WHO?! is the mysterious new leader calling the shots? […]

Pullbox Previews: The Delinquents #1

Confrontation! Devastation! Inebriation! (And the lost secret of the hobos too!) Oh dear God no, you’d better get out of the way…because here come THE DELINQUENTS!Valiant is proud to present an advance preview of THE DELINQUENTS #1 (of 4) – the FIRST ISSUE of an all-new superhero joyride colliding Quantum and Woody and Archer & Armstrong for the summer’s most disastrous team-up adventure! From […]

Pullbox Previews: Quantum and Woody #9 – Crooked Lives, Present Tense

Valiant is proud to present your first look inside Quantum and Woody #9, the FIRST ISSUE of“Crooked Lives, Present Tense” – an all-new story arc from award-winning writer James Asmus(Thief of Thieves) and superstar talent Kano (Swamp Thing)! There’s a new scourge sweeping the streets of the nation’s capitol – robots(!!!) – and Quantum and Woody are on the case! (Or at […]

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