Tag: Army of Darkness

Ash vs Gangs of NYC and Deadites circa 1979… Groovy!

Army of Darkness: 1979 #3 writer: Rodney Barnes artist: Tom Garcia covers: Francesco Mattina (A), Arthur Suydam (B), Jungguen Yoon (C), Stuart Sayger (D), Arthur Suydam (E-RI/BW), Stuart Sayger (F-RI/BW), Jungeun Yoon (G-RI/BW), Francesco Mattina (H-RI/BW) FC | 32 pages | Horror, Action/Adventure | $3.99 | Teen+ The streets of New York City are in […]

Pullbox Previews: Army of Darkness / Bubba Ho-Tep #2

Army of Darkness / Bubba Ho-Tep #2 writer: Scott Duvall artist: Vincenzo Federici, Michele Monte FC  |  32 pages   |   Comedy/Horror   |  $3.99  |   Teen+       Last we saw Ash, he was soaring chin-first through a time portal, hot on the bandage of Bubba Ho-Tep, and crash-landed in 70’s Las Vegas! The demonic mummy seeks an […]

Pullbox Reviews: The Army of Darkness Halloween Special- Swashbucklers and Boomsticks!

Army of Darkness Halloween Special Dynamite Entertainment “Scared Shipless” Written by Chad Bowers & Chris Sims Art by Eoin Marron Colors by Chris O’Halloaran Letters by Taylor Esposito “Cemetary Man” Written by Benito Cereno Art by Sam Lotfi Colors by Dee Cunniffe Letters by Taylor Esposito Available October 24th, 2018 When a crazed tour guide […]

Pullbox Previews: KISS / Army of Darkness #3

KISS / Army of Darkness #3 writer: Chad Bowers, Chris Sims artist: Ruairí Coleman FC  |  32 pages  |  $3.99  |   Teen+   You want to talk about rock’n’roll? Let’s talk about Ash Williams trapped in the past fighting an army of deadites alongside none other than KISS! Let’s talk about ridding the world of an eternal evil while kicking […]

KISS / Army of Darkness Crossover… Dynamite Entertainment Take My Money Now!

Rock ‘n Roll Legends Meet Horror Comics Icon in KISS/Army of Darkness from Chad Bowers, Chris Sims, and Ruairi Coleman! Dynamite Entertainment proudly brings together two of its bestselling brands for a horror/music extravaganza in KISS/Army of Darkness #1, the debut issue in a new comic book series uniting the legendary rock ‘n’ roll band […]

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