Tag: Andrew Guilde

Pullbox Reviews: Man of Sin Packs an Emotional Gut-Punch!

Man of Sin starts out dark, slips into shadow and then cascades into ebon blackness before being consumed in blazing hellfire. It’s a story of grief, pain, rage and harrowing loss. And the antichrist, the end of times and how that’s all supposed to pan out. More than a simple eulogy or horror, Sin is a bit of a puzzle, one that I won’t expand upon much here to avoid stealing the fun from you—but one that Guilde unravels masterfully, until you feel not so much sucker-punched as slowly constricted, until your breath is utterly taken from you. (12/13)

Pullbox Previews: Man of Sin, coming from Markosia, in early 2021

Man of Sin to be published by Markosia in early 2021 Created & Written by Andrew Guilde Illustrated by Camilo Ponce Letters by Wes Locher Free digital copy here! (From the Press Release) Greetings, Readers! My name is Andrew Guilde, and I’m excited to present to you my horror graphic novel Man of Sin!  Originally, Man of Sin was […]

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