Tag: Anderson

Pullbox Reviews: Vikings vs Unicorns #1- What You Think You Know is a Lie

Vikings vs Unicorns #1 Egghead Comics Created & Written by Jim Tramontana Illustrated by KC Anderson You’ve heard of alternate histories? Well Vikings vs. Unicorns is an alternate mythology, recasting everyone’s favorite one-horned mythical icon of cuteness as a feral nightmare, endowed with immense powers and bent on destroying humanity. They are pitted against one […]

Pullbox Previews: The Evil Within Collection

THE EVIL WITHIN COLLECTION WRITER: Ian Edginton ​ | ARTISTS: Alex Scanchez, Ed Anderson 112pp​ | HC | 7” x 1.5”​ | $19.99 EVIL TAKES HOLD! Spun from the new survival horror game The Evil Within™ from Bethesda Softworks, this official series invites readers to experience the terrifying new world created by the godfather of survival horror, Shinji Mikami. When Dana Robinson’s car broke down while investigating her friend’s disappearance, she never suspected her search would […]

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