Tag: afterlife

Pullbox Previews In Hell- a Surreal fantasy set in the Afterlife, now live on Kickstarter

Rebel, blonde, nerd, jock, artist, feminist. Six teenagers you know all too well… Meet THE GREAT UNKNOWN (and a clown). In love, IN HELL. A GRAPHIC NOVEL ADVENTURE BEYOND THE HUMAN Six youth awaken in a surreal landscape, unaware of how they got there, their memories hazy and jumbled. An ominous voice informs them; They are dead and […]

Pullbox Reviews: Heavenly Blues #4- “Five condemned souls spreadin’ chaos in Heaven.”

Heavenly Blues #4 Scout Comics Written by Ben Kahn Art by Bruno Hidalgo Available November 1st, 2017 Isaiah, Erin, and their team have done the impossible by escaping from Hell into Heaven. But now they have to earn their keep. Their employer’s schemes and machinations hang over their heads all while confronting Uriel, the savage […]

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