Tag: Adult Swim

Pullbox Reviews Rick and Morty vs Cthulhu- Eldritch horror meets chronic alcohol abuse

What’s always amazed me about the runaway hit cartoon show Rick & Morty is how completely misunderstood Rick Sanchez is by many of his fans. Sure, he’s a callous, short-tempered ass who gives his family no shortage of grief and anxiety, but there’s heart behind the subversion. He’s the mad scientist who knows his place […]

Pullbox Reviews: Future Quest #1- All the Saturday morning heroes you can shake a stick at

Future Quest #1 DC Comics Written by Jeff Parker Art by Evan “Doc” Shaner, Steve “The Dude” Rude Colors by Jordie Bellaire When the adventurous and inquisitive Jonny Quest and his adoptive brother Hadji make a startling discovery in the swamplands of Florida, they are pulled into an epic struggle between the Space Rangers and […]

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