Tag: Abadzis

Pullbox Previews: The Tenth Doctor Vol 3 – The Fountains of Forever

THE TENTH DOCTOR VOL. 3: THE FOUNTAINS OF FOREVER WRITER: NICK ABADZIS ARTISTS: ELENA CASAGRANDE, ELEONORA CARLINI, RACHAEL STOTT & LEONARDO ROMERO PUBLISHER: TITAN COMICS PAGE COUNT: 128PP FORMAT: HARDCOVER PRICE: $19.99 / £14.99 RELEASE DATE: DECEMBER 16 ISBN: 9781782763024 Returning to New York from her travels with the Doctor, Gabby has never felt more alive. But for the Doctor, Gabby and Cindy, this is only […]

Pullbox Previews – Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #3

DOCTOR WHO: THE TENTH DOCTOR #3 By Nick Abadzis and Elena Casagrande Publisher: Titan Comics Release Date: October 8 Price: $3.99 THE TENTH DOCTOR FACES EMOTIONAL ARMAGEDDON IN NEW YORK! Torn between the homeworld of vicious psychic parasites, and the worsening chaos in Sunset Park, the Doctor must battle through his worst nightmares in order to save the lives […]

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