Category: Valiant

Pullbox Reviews: Quantum & Woody #1 – Family Fun Day, Assassinations, & a Goat

Quantum & Woody #1 (2020) Valiant Comics Written by Christopher Hastings Art by Ryan Browne Colors by Ruth Redmond Letters by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou Cover by David Nakayama Variant Covers by Dave Johnson David Lopez Erica Henderson Available January 29th, 2020 Well this is awkward… See, here’s the thing. I don’t like Quantum & Woody. I […]

Valiant introduces readers to The Final Witness in April

A terrifying serial killer wreaks havoc in THE FINAL WITNESS #1 (of 5) this April! Eisner-nominated writer RAY FAWKES (Batman Eternal) and electrifying artist JEREMY HAUN (Batwoman) present a captivating crime-noir mystery! Can a powerful new hero, a detective, and an investigative journalist solve this chilling case as more and more bodies are found in San Francisco?   “I’m thrilled to bring a crime-thriller twist to […]

The worst superhero duo in the world are back! Quantum and Woody #1 hits shelves on 1/29

QUANTUM AND WOODY #1Written by CHRISTOPHER HASTINGSArt by RYAN BROWNEColors by RUTH REDMONDLetters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOUCover A by DAVID NAKAYAMACover B by DAVE JOHNSONCover C by DAVID LOPEZPreorder Edition Cover by ERICA HENDERSON1:100 Fool’s Gold Variant by GIUSEPPE CAMUNCOLIBlank Cover Also Available Quantum & Woody – the worst superhero duo in the world – are Earth’s LAST hope against stopping a coalition of mad […]

Pullbox Reviews: Bloodshot #4 – A bullet train full of monsters & all the raw meat you can handle…

Bloodshot #4 Valiant Entertainment Written by Tim Seeley (CONTENT REDACTED) Art by Brett Booth Inks by Adelso Corona Colors by Andrew Dalhouse (CONTENT REDACTED) Letters by Dave Sharpe Edited by Lysa Hawkins Covers by Declan Shalvey, Mike McKone (with Gabe Eltaeb), Marc Laming, & Simon Bisley (CONTENT REDACTED) Available now! “The Long Shot” starts here! […]

The Visitor Offers Tense SciFi Mystery

In The Visitor no. 1, Paul Levitz presents us the opening chapter of what looks to be a taut, exciting thriller, with intrigue and layers galore. Who is the titular Visitor? What are their motivations? What are the Japanese doing, and why the secrecy, even from their allies? With tense action and quick-fire dialogue, we’re immersed into Levitz’s world, one of chaos, confusion and lies. And one I want to know a good deal more about.

New X-O Manowar series coming in March!

X-O MANOWAR #1 unleashes the Valiant Universe’s most powerful hero in an all-new series this March! From fan-favorite writer DENNIS “HOPELESS” HALLUM (Star Wars: Darth Vader – Dark Visions) and breakout star artist EMILIO LAISO (Marvel’s Spider-Man: Velocity), a futuristic threat arises to destroy the planet, and the ancient warrior king – Aric of Dacia, a.k.a. X-O Manowar – is the only person with […]

Valiant gives readers Bloodshot #0 as intro to upcoming movie

Before Vin Diesel’s Bloodshot hits theaters on February 21st, 2020, the explosive BLOODSHOT #0 will offer the perfect introduction to Valiant’s supersoldier! New York Times best-selling writer TIM SEELEY (Grayson) is joined by the incredible artist MARC LAMING (Planet Hulk) to unleash a gripping adventure that reveals the origin of Bloodshot’s brand-new mission. BLOODSHOT #0 will also serve as the 150th issue of BLOODSHOT ever […]

Valiant Comics would like to introduce… Doctor Tomorrow!

Meet the Valiant Universe’s brand-new superhero: DOCTOR TOMORROW! This February, teenage hothead and star athlete Bart Simms will come face to face with the Valiant Universe’s greatest hero… himself! The action-packed adventure is by rising star ALEJANDRO ARBONA (contributor to the Eisner-Award winning anthology Love is Love) and awe-inspiring artist JIM TOWE (Spider-Man/Deadpool, Youngblood). Will Bart and Doctor Tomorrow be able to save the […]

Pullbox Reviews: Fallen World (trade paperback) – The post-apocalyptic future of the Valiant Universe…

Fallen World (trade paperback collecting issues 1-5) Valiant Entertainment Written by Dan Abnett Art by Adam Pollina & Juan Jose’ Ryp Colors by Ulises Arreola & Andrew Dalhouse Letters by Jeff Powell Available through Amazon & ComiXology on 11/13/19 Retake your future… In the year 4002 AD, the cyborg samurai called Rai will face an […] is a part of Hedeby Publishing LLC © 2007-2025