Category: TV

John Byrne and IDW expands Star Trek Visions

Last year, comic-book legend, John Byrne set out “to explore strange new worlds” within the Star Trek universe, using a unique technique, the photonovel. The resultingStar Trek Annual 2013, which is completely sold out through Diamond and headed for a second printing, was a creative success due to this distinctive storytelling device. This May, Byrne will continue his quest “to […]

Heroes Returns in 2015!

NEW EVENT MINISERIES ‘HEROES REBORN’ COMES TO NBC IN 2015 Tim Kring to Executive Produce 13 New Episodes of Groundbreaking Series ‘Heroes’ UNIVERSAL CITY, Calif. – Feb. 22, 2014 – NBC is bringing back its conquering “Heroes.” An iconic series that still commands a rabid fan base, “Heroes” will return to the network in 2015 […]

Disney / Marvel set plans to dominate Toy Market in 2014

During an action-packed event on Monday, February 17, at the 2014 American International Toy Fair, Disney Consumer Products unveiled its dynamic product lines that will dominate boys toy aisles this year with offerings inspired by highly anticipated content: Disney’s Planes: Fire & Rescue, Star Wars Rebels, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 from Sony Pictures Entertainment and […] is a part of ThePullbox LLC © 2007-2024