Category: Pullbox Reviews

Pullbox Reviews Bro-D Can’t Be Broken- Time to hit the pavement & throw some hands

In the year 2095, humanity is on the right track to recover from catastrophic climate change and to begin a new era of advancement. People from every background intermingle in clean megacities across the globe, and a commitment to tolerance marks their developing international society. But a group of beings called Deywṓs, who claim to […]

Pullbox Reviews Oswald & the Star-Chaser #1: The start of an epic(ally amusing) science fiction adventure from Scout Comics

Torn from his training after King FEK usurped the throne, space knight Oswald Bretters embarks on a quest to save the Star Lands! As headstrong as he is, even Oswald knows he can’t restore his fallen kingdom alone, so he searches for his childhood heroes to bolster his ranks. With the watchful eye of King […]

Pullbox Reviews Sea of Thieves Origins, volume 1- Piracy, mystery, & swashbuckling mayhem from Titan Comics

Filled with action, gold, and untold tales of glory, the Sea of Thieves is a strange and treacherous stretch of ocean where scoundrels and scallywags from all walks of life flock to test their might and mettle. Within this pirate paradise, three Trading Companies thrive: one of greed and gilded flesh, one of mercenary merchants, and one of skeletal […]

Pullbox Reviews Fa Sheng: Origins #1- A great stepping on point for a growing Wuxia-inspired comicverse

Fa Sheng: Origins is an all-new wuxia comic created by Peter Shiao, written by Rylend Grant and illustrated by artist Dexter Wee, about the humble beginnings of a great Shaolin Master.  If you like Shang-Chi, Kung Fu, Warrior, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Ip Man, or The Grandmaster, this all-new series is for you. I discovered […]

Pullbox Reviews Hunt. Kill. Repeat- Mad Cave Studios takes the revenge story to mythological heights

It’s Kill Bill meets Clash of the Titans in Hunt. Kill. Repeat. The all-new, action packed series by Mark London (Battlecats, Knights of the Golden Sun). When the Greek gods invade Earth, society is quickly forced to comply with their new rulers. However, one god, Artemis, rejects her brethren’s ideology and has found solace in […]

Pullbox Reviews Rick and Morty vs Cthulhu- Eldritch horror meets chronic alcohol abuse

What’s always amazed me about the runaway hit cartoon show Rick & Morty is how completely misunderstood Rick Sanchez is by many of his fans. Sure, he’s a callous, short-tempered ass who gives his family no shortage of grief and anxiety, but there’s heart behind the subversion. He’s the mad scientist who knows his place […]

Pullbox Reviews The Denim Devil #1- “Slasher Wannabe. Murder Mystery.”

The Denim Devil #1 November Street Press Written by Zach Carter & Jared Yanez Illustrated by Jared Yanez Coloring Assistance by Gillian Yanez Lettering fonts by Blambot & Apostrophic Labs A boy grows up to be the sole heir to the Vangler denim empire. A serial killer prowls the streets of Vanglerton, California, a shadow […]

Pullbox Reviews Orphans of the Impact Winter- A high stakes story of survival, from the perspective of a boy & his dog

Orphans of the Impact Winter #1 Written by Lee Carlisle Illustrated by Ross Carlisle Colors by Marina Goncalves Orphans of the Impact Winter tells the tale of an imaginative young boy named Chuck and his loyal dog Addie as they struggle to survive in a world where the moon is falling out of the sky. […]

Pullbox Reviews Sherlock Holmes and the Wonderland Conundrum- Curioser & curiouser, this game is afoot

Sherlock Holmes & the Wonderland Conundrum WhatchaReading Press Written by Chuck Suffel Art by J Schiek Letters by Cardinal Rae Cover by Roberta Ingranata & Warnia K. Sahadewa Sherlock Holmes created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland created by Lewis Carroll Sherlock Holmes is arguably the best investigative mind of all time, […] is a part of Hedeby Publishing LLC © 2007-2025