Category: Oni Press

Pullbox Reviews Rick and Morty vs Cthulhu- Eldritch horror meets chronic alcohol abuse

What’s always amazed me about the runaway hit cartoon show Rick & Morty is how completely misunderstood Rick Sanchez is by many of his fans. Sure, he’s a callous, short-tempered ass who gives his family no shortage of grief and anxiety, but there’s heart behind the subversion. He’s the mad scientist who knows his place […]

Rick and Morty vs Cthulhu! ’nuff said!

The Oni-Lion Forge Publishing Group, in collaboration with Warner Bros. Consumer Products and Adult Swim, announces the release of a new Rick and Morty™ miniseries, Rick and Morty™ vs. Cthulhu Part 1: The Whisperer in the Dorkness, available December 7, 2022. This first installment of the four-part miniseries journeys down the Lovecraft rabbit hole, reuniting the Eisner-nominated […]

Pullbox Reviews: Underground, collected edition- An early look at a claustrophobic thriller

Underground Oni Press Created by Jeff Parker & Steve Lieber Written by Jeff Parker Illustrated & Lettered by Steve Lieber Colors by Ron Chan In shops September 29, 2021 Park Ranger and avid caver Wesley Fischer is on a one-woman mission to stop Stillwater Cave from being turned into a tourist trap, but public opinion […]

Pullbox Reviews: a new Choose Your Own Adventure series from Oni Press!

Choose Your Own Adventure: Eighth Grade Witch Oni Press Written by Andrew E.C. Gaska Eric L. Thomas Illustrated by Valerio Chiola Background Art by Leandro Casca Colors by Thiago Ribeiro Letters by Joamette Gil Based on the original by C.E. Simpson Available August 25, 2021 Once upon a time, before computer games brought the concept […]

Pullbox Reviews: The Vain #1 Not Your Typical Vampire Story (Spoiler Alert!)

Writer: Eliot Rahal (@eliotrahal)Artist: Emily Pearson (@emilypearsonart), Fred C. Stresing (@FredCStresing), Crank!Publisher: Oni Press (@OniPress) Chicago, 1941. A blood bank is held up in a robbery, but no cash is taken—only blood. It’s the latest in a string of similar crimes and FBI Agent Felix Franklin is certain it’s part of a wider plot. But the […]

Pullbox Reviews: Titan- Life, labor, & love… in space

Titan Oni Press Created, Written, & Illustrated by Francois Vigneault Edited by Grace Bornhoft In shops November 11, 2020 The mining colony of Homestead Station, established over a century ago, has been tasked with processing hydrocarbons for use in the production of carbon-based energy. To handle the work under the harsh conditions of Saturn’s moon, […] is a part of Hedeby Publishing LLC © 2007-2025