Category: Oni Press

Hey Squantchers! Pay Attention! Rick and Morty do Sherlock Holmes!

You’re not ready! We’re not ready! The Rick and Morty omniverse better get ready for RICK AND MORTY: FINALS WEEK. The double-sized, 40-page opening salvo, RICK AND MORTY: FINALS WEEK – SHERICK HOLMES AND MORTSON #1, from multiple Emmy Award-nominated writer nominee Daniel Kibblesmith (Loki) and artist Priscilla Tramontano (Transformers) – is the first shot in a universe-colliding escapade spanning (almost) all of 2024  Get […]

Pullbox News- EC Comics is back to show the kids how it’s done after over sixty years!

EC COMICS IS BACK WITH A VENGEANCE – AND ALL–NEW PUBLISHING LINE – AT ONI PRESS The Infamous and Influential Comics Imprint That Redefined Pop Culture Returns with Staggering New Titles and Superstar Creators – Beginning Summer 2024  Seventy years after the creation of the Comics Code Authority irrevocably changed the course of comics history, the most infamous, […]

Oni Press says let the Toxic Summer begin in 2024

Oni Press, the multiple Eisner and Harvey Award-winning publisher of groundbreaking comics and graphic novels since 1997 is proud to present  TOXIC SUMMER #1 – a fast-paced comics escapade with teeth from the mutated mind of Eisner Award-winning Cartoonist Derek Charm (Jughead, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl)! Told across three specially formatted, bi-monthly issues beginning on May […]

Oni Press Presents SOGGY LANDING, An Epic Stoner Fantasy By the Brothers McGovern and Ian Densford

This fall, Oni Press, the multiple Eisner and Harvey award-winning publisher of comic books and graphic novels, is publishing SOGGY LANDING by the Brothers McGovern and Ian Densford, an epic fantasy story of a perma-stoned wizard bear’s quest to save their beloved magical island from evil robber baron cults.  “Soggy Landing isn’t for kids, it’s for cool kids and I hope tons […]

Oni Press brings the queer horror in Let Me Out

Oni Press, the multiple Eisner and Harvey award-winning publisher of comic books and graphic novels, is proud to announce the forthcoming debut of LET ME OUT –  a riveting queer horror story from Massachusetts-based writer Emmett Nahil (Leatherwood) and British illustrator George Williams (Croc and Roll). Set in the suburbs of New Jersey in 1979, Let Me Out deals with the early onset of “satanic […]

Enter the Heart of Rickness!

Oni Press in collaboration with Warner Bros. Discovery Global Consumer Products and Adult Swim – is excited to announce a truly gargantuan summer extravaganza for the Rick and Morty omniverse beginning this July in Rick and Morty: Heart of Rickness #1 and an all-new, 40-page Rick and Morty #7 summertime spectacular!  With a palate-scorching cocktail of top-tier comic book storytelling, multi-versal intrigue, […]

Pullbox Previews: Xino #1 from Oni Press

Oni Press – the multiple Eisner and Harvey award-winning comic book and graphic novel publisher – is proud to reveal your first look inside XINO #1 (of 3) – the 40-PAGE, FIRST ISSUE for the highly anticipated science-fiction comics event of the summer, featuring creators Melissa Flores (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, The Dead Lucky) & Daniel Irizarri (Judge Dredd), Phil Hester (Gotham City: Year One), Chris Condon (That Texas Blood) & Nick Cagnetti (Pink Lemonade), and Jordan Thomas (Weird […]

The thing you didn’t know you wanted – Rick and Morty: The Manga!

Oni Press – in collaboration with Warner Bros. Discovery Global Consumer Products and Adult Swim – is proud to announce a new Rick and Morty™ graphic novel, Rick and Morty: The Manga Vol. 1 – Get in the Robot, Morty!, arriving in stores on November 1, 2023! Continuing Oni’s long-running series of comic book adventures for pop culture’s favorite duo, this […] is a part of Hedeby Publishing LLC © 2007-2025